"A unique opportunity to create lasting connections across diverse nations, businesses and sectors"
The Rt Hon Theresa May MP
World Business Women Day 2024
Thursday October 17
15.00 UK Time
Big conversations in major global cities with inspiring leaders
You're very welcome to join us!
WBW so far this year...
Thank you to an incredible line up of Speakers, Panellists and Chairs including (in speaker order)
Sarah Matthew - Marina Mavrommati - Mara Zavagno - Maggie Berry OBE
Rudo Nondo - Lora De Felice - Dr Almira Ross - Angelique Mohring
Ross Isdale - Val McKie - Meera Shah - Emily Leadbetter - Lisa Gus
Julie Baker - Noreen Burroughes Cesareo
Runa Magnúsdóttir - Alison Derbenwick Miller - Insiyah Rangwala
World Business Women is a Savvitas programme
Created by Helene Martin Gee and Chaired by Sue Lawton MBE
Providing a global gateway connecting women leaders from every sector, culture and nation